Saturday, January 16, 2021

Character creation challenge day 15

 Day 15

System: AD&D 1e

Ability scores rolled (4d6, drop lowest): 14, 16, 8, 17, 10, 10

Starting gold (2d4 x10): 60 gp

Let's do that AD&D thing again. Looking at these scores, and consulting the PHB, they're good enough to qualify for the illusionist class, which is one I haven't done before. Illusionists require a minimum Intelligence of 15 and Dexterity of 16 -- check on both. They roll a d4 for hit points, in this case yielding 3.

Letany Copperhair, 1st level illusionist

Strength 14 (weight allowance +200, open doors 1-2, bend bars/lift gates 7%)

Intelligence 16 (know spells 65%, min. spells/level 7, max spells/level 11)

Wisdom 8 

Dexterity 17 (+2 missile attacks & reaction adjustment, -3 to AC)

Constitution 10

Charisma 10

AC 7            Hit points: 2            Alignment: Neutral good

Spells known: audible glamer, detect invisibility, hypnotism

Staff, 20 darts, backpack, bullseye lantern, 5 flasks of oil, tinder box, silver mirror, standard rations, 2 water skins, 8 gp and 10 sp left.

Height: 5'8"        Weight: 140 lbs.        Age: 29

A daughter of a minor noble, Letany ran away from an arranged marriage and fell in with a traveling theater troupe where her talent for illusion was valued. She conceals her true surname. Feisty and fiercely independent, a life as an adventurer would suit her well.

Illusion appeals to me as a player (and DM) because I've come to prefer subtler magic. It's a great avenue of expression for creative thinkers to contribute to a successful adventuring party without blasting things with magic missiles and fireballs. I don't really get the crazy-high Dexterity requirement (you can be a thief with a 9, and it's their prime requisite!) but it does give our illusionist character a little bit of an edge defensively should she be unable to avoid being a target for enemy attacks. 

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