Thursday, January 28, 2021

Character creation challenge day 28

 Day 28

System: B/X

Desired class: Halfling (alternate: Cleric)

Ability scores rolled: 6, 10, 11, 8, 13, 15

Starting gold: 130 gp

That 8 in Dexterity would disqualify a character from the halfling class, but it looks like we can take care of that with the ability adjustment rules, taking 2 from Wisdom and bumping Dexterity to the minimum of 9. Halfling achieved. Hit points on d6 are 3, +1 Constitution bonus =4.

Callie Fairmeadow, 1st level halfling

Strength 6 (-1 to melee attack and damage and opening doors)

Intelligence 10

Wisdom 9

Dexterity 9

Constitution 13 (+1 hp per die)

Charisma 15 (+1 to reactions, max. retainers 5, retainer morale 8)

AC 4       Hit points: 4        Alignment: Neutral

Special abilities: -2 to AC vs. large creatures, +1 to missile attacks, hide outdoors 90%, hide indoors 2 in 6.

Chain armor, shield, short bow, 20 arrows, 3 silver arrows, spear, backpack, standard rations, 2 water skins, lantern, 4 flasks of oil, tinder box, 9 gp left.

Height: 3'0"        Weight: 62 lbs.     Age: 33

Callie's older brother was a well-known halfling adventurer who disappeared several years ago. Now she's of age, she is determined to carry on the adventuring tradition in his memory. Normally merry and carefree, she is prone to occasional bouts of melancholy, worrying she doesn't measure up.

Another very non-typical player character, having no high scores in the traditional prime requisites, and in fact a low score in one of her class's PRs. She has the Charisma to hold a small stable of retainers together, and to serve as a party spokesperson in non-combat encounters, and even with average Dexterity, she's got the halfling missile bonus to make her a fair shot in ranged combat.

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